
Dezo is the editor-in-chief of Celebtainment. She has over 10 years of experience in entertainment writing. Email:


Orlando Brown Actor Net Worth: How Much is He Worth?

Orlando Brown is an American actor, rapper, and singer. He is best known for his roles in popular television sitcoms like “Family Matters,” “That’s So Raven,” and “The Proud Family.” Brown has also made appearances in movies like “Major Payne” and “Max Keeble’s Big Move.” With a career spanning over two decades, many people are…

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movies about hiking

The 10 Best Movies About Hiking

There’s something inherently captivating about the idea of venturing into the great outdoors, challenging oneself physically and mentally while surrounded by nature’s breathtaking beauty. Hiking is one of the best ways to do that. However, going for a hike in real life isn’t the only way to enjoy the thrill. Hiking has long been a…

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